Best hikes in Central Arizona


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Last Visited
Oct 28, 2022
Find trip reports in Central Arizona
Find the best hikes in Central Arizona, located in AZ. Sort the hikes within this region using the dropdown. Higher-rated hikes are generally harder, longer days with beautiful scenery and lots of solitude and follows a fun, interesting route.
West Spruce Mountain
Prescott National Forest, AZ
Pine Mountain
Prescott National Forest, AZ
Upper Salome Creek (The Grotto)
Tonto National Forest, AZ
Shake Tree Canyon
Tonto National Forest, AZ
Thumb Butte
Prescott National Forest, AZ
Spruce Mountain
Prescott National Forest, AZ
Mount Union
Prescott National Forest, AZ
Granite Mountain
Prescott National Forest, AZ
McFadden Horse Mountain
Tonto National Forest, AZ
Aztec Peak via Abbey’s Way
Tonto National Forest, AZ