Best hikes in New Jersey + Delaware Watergap + Poconos


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Last Visited
Dec 31, 2023
Find trip reports in New Jersey + Delaware Watergap + Poconos
Find the best hikes in New Jersey + Delaware Watergap + Poconos, located in NJ, PA. Sort the hikes within this region using the dropdown. Higher-rated hikes are generally harder, longer days with beautiful scenery and lots of solitude and follows a fun, interesting route.
Cushetunk Mountain Loop
Cushetunk Mountain Nature Preserve, NJ
Thompson Park Reservoir Loop
Thompson County Park, NJ
New Jersey High Point
High Point State Park, NJ
Windbeam Mountain, Harrison Mountain, Tory Rocks Loop
Norvin Green State Forest, NJ
Hemlock Falls via Lenape Trail Loop
South Mountain Reservation, NJ
Coppermines and Kaiser Loop
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, NJ
Rocky Point and Grand Tour Loop
Hartshorne Woods County Park, NJ
Tripod Rock via Mennen Trail Loop
Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area, NJ
Carris Hill and Wyanokie High Point from Otter Hole
Norvin Green State Forest, NJ
History Trail of Watchung Reservation
Watchung Reservation, NJ